Stone is a material created by the most demanding architect, nature itself. Natural stone is one of the most popular materials in the modern world. The stone has remarkable performance properties: resistant to humidity, temperature changes, strong, durable. By providing stone products with proper care, you will get a long-lasting and impressive beauty. From stone you can make various elements of cladding, tiles, various curbs, other decorative elements. A marble countertop will give charm to the dining room, granite window sills will create a living unity with the plants that often decorate the windows. Stone decoration of the walls and floor will create a unique space that will be filled with nature and create a living energy in the house. Granite and marble have been used by people since ancient times.

The Egyptians in the construction of their famous pyramids used granite, marble as a basis, and used natural stone for decoration. Centuries have passed, but granite, marble, and natural stone have not lost their relevance at all. Natural stone, granite and marble are still widely used in various areas of life of modern man. most commonly encountered rock is granite. It consists of such mountain minerals as quartz, feldspar, mica, and externally granite is a stone with a fairly large granular structure. This stone is quite diverse in its colors and shades. It is used for the manufacture of decorative elements, and for objects that withstand a large load. Often granite is made of racks, tables, it is used for exterior decoration. Granite is one of the most common natural facing stones and ranks first among other types of natural stone in decorativeness, high strength and the possibility of obtaining large blocks.

Granite is the most abundant rock in the continental crust. It is a clearly crystalline large-, medium- or fine-grained massive igneous rock formed as a result of slow cooling and solidification at a great depth of magmatic melt. Granite can also be formed during metamorphism, as a result of the processes of granitization of various rocks. Individual granite massifs are often attributed to magmatic, metamorphic, and even mixed origin. The color of granite is mainly light gray, but pink, red, yellow and even green (amazonite) granites are also not uncommon. The structure is usually uniformly grained, most grains have an irregular shape due to cramped growth during mass crystallization. There are porphyry granites, in which, against the background of a fine- or medium-grained main mass, large crystals of feldspar, quartz and mica stand out.